Columns Hall of the Francesco Gonzaga Diocesan Museum
in the presence of the artist
ALBERTO BERTOLDI, painter from Piacenza, was born in 1955 in a small village in the Gran Paradiso Park, a place and a name that already connote a destiny. His first love is Nature, his second is painting, that mixture of technique and poetry that allows him to create solemn and enchanted visions. Clouds are his favourite subject: celestial sphinxes, majestic, impassable barriers of the sacred, but also companions of our fantasies, changeable, insubstantial, made of air and water, painted with maniacal care with the aim of leaving the beholder with a spur and comfort. Bertoldi, already known to the Mantuan public for previous exhibitions (Einaudi, Life, Casa del Pittore), has an intense exhibition activity in Italy and abroad to his credit. Recently, one of his large painted installations in the Dior showroom in London. (Alberto Bernardelli)
The clouds as a metaphor for the human condition are suggested by Mariangela Gualtieri's poetic text taken from the book ‘Quando non morivo’ Einaudi edizioni- 2019.
... to say I am - I am here - and to feel that there is between star and branch and feather and hair and hand a single deepened dance, and dialogue of particles never dormant, never dead, never finished. We are this moving, changing place and name. We are a being here, perpetually navigating substances from name to name. We are
ALBERTO BERTOLDI 11/01 - 02/02 2025 Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 12 and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. piazza Virgiliana,55 (Mn)- Sala Colonne free entrance- info 328 5727 480