
Two thousand years of Mantua

The first section of the museum traces, mainly through sculptures and paintings, the historical and cultural events of the city and its territory, from the Roman age to the present:

  1. Marbles, 1st to 15th century.
  2. Bronze and wood carvings from the Renaissance.
  3. Paintings, 15th to 19th century (to which two volumes of the general catalogue are dedicated).

Spesa oggetto del contributo nell'ambito del bando PNRR, Missione 1 – Digitalizzazione, innovazione, competitività e cultura, Componente 3 – Cultura 4.0 (M1C3), Misura 1 “Patrimonio culturale per la prossima generazione”, Investimento 1.2: “Rimozione delle barriere fisiche e cognitive in musei, biblioteche e archivi per consentire un più ampio accesso e partecipazione alla cultura” finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU“ – CUP: C64H22001410004.