Renato Berzaghi. Stefano L'Occaso
€ 40.00
The expertise of Renato Berzaghi and Stefano L'Occaso, combined with the sensitivity of the Banca Popolare di Mantova, allows the Museo Diocesano Francesco Gonzaga to publish the fourth volume of the General Catalogue. After the one on Paintings and Tapestries 1430-1630, the same authors, with the help of Paola Artoni and Paolo Bertelli, consider the pictorial works of the following two centuries. Precisely, from 1630 to 1866: two dates that in terms of art history encompass the period from the Baroque to Romanticism, and in the history of Mantua range from the ruinous experience of the sacking of the city to the entry of the ancient duchy into the Kingdom of Italy. Among these works, the section of works by Giuseppe Bazzani stands out - hence the prominence given to it, with the gallery dedicated to it within the Museum, and in the present volume with the illuminating introductory essay -: the most conspicuous visible collection of an artist long neglected and now considered a Master of the European 18th century.